Michele Meek, Ph.D.



Consent Culture and Teen Films: Adolescent Sexuality in US Movies (2023)

Released April 2023 (and audiobook forthcoming!), Consent Culture and Teen Films: Adolescent Sexuality in US Movies by Michele Meek chronicles the history of adolescent sexuality in U.S. films. In looking at contemporary teen films, she demonstrates how even films that take consent into account expose flaws in our affirmative consent framework (particularly how it is highly gendered, heteronormative, and cis-centered) , and she highlights how youth sexuality remains so highly regulated in the U.S. that it is often erased. See recent press, and download the introduction for free.

The Mastermind Failure Club book cover

The Mastermind Failure Club (2020)

In The Mastermind Failure Club: A Self-Empowerment Guide for Artists, Filmmakers, Writers, and Other Creative Entrepreneurs, Michele inspires writers, artists, filmmakers, and entrepreneurs to form their own group of expert colleagues (mastermind group) and pursue creative dreams despite the high likelihood of failure (Failure Club). Read more and get your free copy.

Independent Female Filmmakers book cover

Independent Female Filmmakers (2019)

Independent Female Filmmakers presents original and previously-published essays, interviews, and manifestos from some of the most groundbreaking independent female filmmakers of the last 40 years. Read more and download the introduction for free.